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    Drama is a form of acting which is performed in theatres by actors for an audience. In comparison to acting which is done in films, drama is considered "live acting".¹

    For thousands of years, drama has been an integral part of human and societal culture. In fact, early pieces of drama date back to Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations since theatre and the arts were important expressive mediums for these cultures.¹ Furthermore, other anthropological data indicates that drama and religious traditions may have been connected in early societies. Â¹

    For example, Peisistratus, the ruler of Athens from 561-527 BC, created new policies during his reign to strengthen the economy of Athens, with one of his focuses being on the arts. In 534 BC he established the greater and lesser Dionysus, two drama festivals, and the Panathenaic festival.¹ The Panathenaic festival took place every four years and started after Pisistratus commissioned Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.¹

    In addition to the acting component of drama, this art form also includes many behind the scenes and technical jobs. For example, a costume designer, a sound technician, a set designer and a director, fulfill some of the other required tasks needed for theatre performances.¹ All of these tasks, whether they are directly related to the set, the script or preparing the actors, are essential elements which ensure that a performance will run smoothly.¹

    Drama is a performance based art form which has been enjoyed by humanity for thousands of years. Nowadays, drama is sometimes separated into different genres such as the opera, traditional folk tales and fables, and improvisation.¹ Although, different time periods and cultures have practiced drama for various purposes, for instance to pray to a certain God, and following unique performance styles, one commonality of drama is that it is inextricably linked to the overall culture of humanity. Thus, it is a critical art form which deserves appreciation.¹



    Image source:

    1. Velocity Goals


    1. Slideshare. History of Drama. Retrieved May 23, 2014, from http://www.slideshare.net/ricadeguzman/history-of-drama

    © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com May 31, 2024, 10:05 am ad1c9bdddf

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