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    Public Policy

    Public policy describes actions and guidelines which are related to improving the welfare of individuals or groups. Through government-based initiatives, action can be taken to address public concerns and implement policies to combat public issues. 

    Public policy does not only take place at a local or national scale, it also extends to the international realm. Considering how globalization has transformed society, dealing with global issues such as international economic relations and international environmental protection is critical. When conducting policy analysis for issues which are considered to be international, such as climate change, different nations must work collaboratively. There is a need to study the subject of international policy, as this is required for dealing with issues related to world politics and governance, along with environmental concerns. For instance, there are different international organizations and charities, such as UNDP (United Nations Development Program) which aim to develop resilient nations with empowered individuals¹.

    Public policy also includes a variety of specialized fields. Some of these specialized areas include social policy, health policy and environmental policy. Within each of these fields, specific issues are focused upon. For instance, topics such as unemployment, criminal issues and justice fall under the realm of social policy. However, there is also much transparency between these different fields of policy work.

    Public policy is a subject which is related to many other academic disciplines such as the social sciences, economics, environmental studies and public management. Additionally, public policy is a field which is legislative in nature, dealing with governmental decisions and regulations. However, at its core, public policy is a subject guided by principles which are linked to promoting human health and welfare.  



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