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    Corporate Culture and Human Resource Alignment

    Corporate culture includes the shared values and beliefs that everyone in a company embraces and demonstrates¹. Culture might come from the story of how a company was created, while other cultures or modifications might be created as the company grows and revolutionizes. Human resource professionals are able to implement policies and practices that integrate with the values and culture of an organization¹. A clear and defined culture equates to a clear direction for the company to move in.

    Even if a company’s corporate culture is not written down it still exists through the actions of both the management and employees. The Jouta Performance Group, a human resources consultant firm, outlines some key questions that may be asked in order to determine corporate culture: Who are we? What do we believe in? What inspires us? Where are we going? What will it look like when we get there?¹. By analyzing these questions, one can come to a conclusion of corporate culture. One of the surest ways to align corporate culture with overall strategy is to apply leadership practices that reflect the new or existing culture¹. Therefore, actions and behaviors must reflect corporate culture. Additionally, employee input is essential to pushing the corporate culture.


    1.  What is Corporate culture and why should you care. Retrieved from http://www.jouta.com/hr-blog/what-is-corporate-culture-and-why-should-you-care/

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