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    Gender Inequality

    Gender inequality is a prominent issue discussed in economics today. This topic mostly deals with women’s unequal access to resources controlled by business managers and officials. It is much harder for womens' organizations to have a say in constructing economic policies and making economic decisions in the public and private sectors. Gender inequality holds back economic growth and the development of societies.

    In developing countries, women are behind men in many areas such as education and labour market opportunities. In developing countries, women are less likely to work, as they earn significantly less than men and lack the legal rights needed to own property and manage their own business. During childhood, women are expected to stay home and learn how to take care of a household, instead of going to school. This makes women unequipped and lack the skills needed to enter the labour force.

    From an economic perspective that disregards the sociological implications, female participation in the labour force is still incredibly important. For example, considering a country that allows both genders to participate in the labour force versus one that only allows males, the former has twice the production capabilities just based on labour resources - women make up half the population! Obviously, it is advantageous to encourage and enable women to participate in the work force. But, there are many difficulties that women face on top of discrimination such as having to leave the workforce in order to take care of their children and families. Many economists agree that the decision-making process of women produces an environment that is beneficial to economic progress. Gender inequality hinders economic progress and human development, and continues to be an economic issue today. 

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